Monday, May 08, 2006

Last Post.....

... from my old computer.. because I have a new computer to set up today!!! Yeah me!!!

Lets see - what happened this weekend. Shabbos was nice. It was just Us for dinner, and then we had Etan (who recently returned from his trip to nowehere, Aisa) over for lunch. I'm in the middle of Key to Rebecca now, which is pretty good. Saturday night I watched Flight of the Phoenix which was simply eh. I like Giovanni Ribsi though from his Boiler Room preformance, so i'll give it a barely passable 2 stars. I listened to the Arctic Monkeys album - and again, just an eh. There has been so much fuss about them recently. I really expected more - perhaps I need to listen again and tone down my expectations.
On Sunday we went down to Cherry Hill to visit Shosh's aunt/uncle and cousins. And her grandmother. Unfortunatley today, shsoh's grandmother had a massive stroke and is in the hospital. So, we're awaiting word on her status. But it's a good thing we go to see her yesterday. A really good thing.
I got a TON of books from Shosh's Aunt - now i have a lot to last me for a while. We watched Desperate Houswives and Grey's Anatomy when we got home - both awesome. And, I must admit, I borrowed th LOST DVDs from a friend and I'm going to start watching it = )

BOTH my fantasy teams won this week and both were last day wins, which is exciting. Todd Helton is back from the DL as is Nick Lowry, so that should add some more stability to mny first place NL team.



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