Today and some random thoughts.
So... another 6+ hours in the ED and no patients. Had a false alarm... first time wheezer under the age of 2 with a family history of asthma, BUT she didn't have a high enough bronchiolitis score - basically, she wasn't sick enough. No point giving medicine to people where you never would clinically anyway. So I sat and read, and wrote 40 thank you cards for Sammy.
Here's a new pic of Sammy by the way:

Anyways, back to research.... well its going REALLY slow... this week the whole ED was slow thanks to the transit strike. Apparantly 80% of Monte patients get to the ED via public transportation. Oh well.. I don't have any interviews for 2 weeks, so I will be in the ED every day and hopefully we will get some patients. Not that I don't appreciate all the time to read (4 books, a lot of daf yomi) and write (2 short stories) and do other stuff (40 thank you cards for my lazy son), but I would REALLY like to get some patients for this study.
What else - I am in the finals in my keeper league!! Playing Howard Deutsch - who by the way, got engaged recently (as did fellow league member David Rubenstein - congrats guys). I think my team is the better team, but Howard (or Herm as a I like to call him) has LT, who plays the Chiefs.. and we all saw how well they tackled Tiki. But I have Grandmama (LJ) so hopefully all will be well.
Anyways, we are going to my parents for Chanukah, and will like come home with about 2000 presents for Sammy. Things could be worse = )
Also... random thought... listening to some music... (i know, i still have to write about this and college /med school friends) Wycleff Jean and in his song, "Perfect Gentelman" I think he has the greatest spin of the saying "don't jusdge a book by its cover" it goes:
"just cause she dances go-go, that don't make her a ho, no" very interesting.
Yay, Sammy pics. So am I ever going to get to read any of these new stories you're writing?
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