Tuesday, December 06, 2005


So, the boards went allright. I had a very eventful day though b/c on my way there, some guy spun out, managed to hit both concrete barriers on the Hutch, ending up perpendicular to the road. I stopped, made sure the guy was okay, called 911 and then explained that I had a test and took off. Pretty crazy morning. Test was okay. Lots more epidemiology than I expected, but whatever.. i get my scores in a couple weeks.

Had LIJ interview yesterday - it was very nice. I like every program I go to.. gonna be a problem deciding which one to go to. Have Cornell tomorrow. Will report.

As for research.... good news and bad news.... The good --> the first patient we recruited last week got discharged from CHAM on Saturday and is doing better. Still coughing, but better, which is good. I've called her home the past 4 nights to follow up and will do so again tomorrow night (hopefully the last time I will need to). The bad news. The study so far constitutes of that 1 patient. Dr. Khine was in the ED on friday and tehre was no one who met the study paramters and I was in the ED today for 7 hours and there were ZERO first time wheezers who came in. Unbelievable! I read an ENTIRE BOOK in the ED today.

i'll be back in the ED on thursday. hopefully, I get some mroe patients.

wish me luck at Cornell...


At 8:53 PM, Blogger Esther said...

Good luck!


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