Thursday, September 29, 2005

Institutional Review Board? More like Irrational Review Board!!

So, as you can probably guess, this post has to do with my research. So, i met this morning (really freaking early, i might add) with my PI for teh research, and we went over the issues the IRB had with the project. Yes, there were one or two things we needed to correct, but for the most part, the issues they raised were non-issues.. they simply proved that the reviewers had not bothered reading our proposal. So frustrating! Now I need to spend monday making 1000 pages worth of copies. Argh!

I spent a heck of a lot of time with Sammy today. Just the two of us (Shosh was sleeping). It was awesome! It really is amazing how much you can love something so small. Not that Sammy is so small anymore. He's getting pretty heavy. He is lifting his head up a lot, which is pretty neat, and is smiling a lot more (without a concurrent increase in poop, so I suppose it means something). That's our Sammy update. Oh! And we got his crib. He slept in it.. pretty neat! He likes it. We hung up a mobile and all (thanks Bust!).

Allrighty. Posting every day is harder now that I have things to do.

goodnight. hopefully i will get to those topics I have yet to cover (college firends an dmusic) soon.


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