Friday, October 07, 2005

Weekly Update

Well, since my dean, Dr. David, advised me to keep a log of my research, I have decided to do so on the blog here since thats pretty much whats going on in my life now (aside from Sammy).

So this is the first update, but 2 weeks have elapsed since my time for research started. Two weeks ago, we just found out that our project had not yet been approved and needed some revisions. We submitted it on August 18th or 19th. So, I spent last week editing our proposal, directly answering all of the questions that the IRB had and instituting the changes into the proposal and protocol (of course, with a ton of help from Dr. Khine), and I also needed to call the IRB bunch to ask questions, get a placebo addendum etc. etc. and go back and forth to Monte to talk to Dr. Khine and get her to sign stuff. This past Monday (10/3) i had to go into Monte to do kill a tree (i.e make over 1000 pages worth of copies). Amazing - you think we are in the electronic age that we could get this stuff done on-line... but no. I did feel kind of wasteful when i burnt through an entire ream of paper in about 25 minutes. Anyways.. that was what I have done so far in short. I have also been making sure I have all my articles about bronchiolitis and that I have looked into the journal that Dr. Khine wants to submit to and been looking at several RCT articles to see what format they want stuff in. The IRB meets this friday (10/13) so nothing else to do until then.

Anything else going on? I am up to book 8 in The Corps series now. I have never read stories with more likeable characters than "Killer" McCoy and Fleming Pickering. Another favorite of mine, Jake Dillon hasnt really been in the last 2 books... I hope he comes back soon.

I headed to the library on friday to start studying for the boards. Yes, I am taking them in December, however, I will not have time to study all day or even most of the day beforehand -so I am going with the drawn out studying process this time.
Speaking of the boards... I need to pay close to $1500 to take the 2 parts of Step 2 this year (even though I have been hearing they will soon be getting rid of the clinical skills section.. it is really dumb), $150 to submit my application. $65 to be able to do the match.. this is one money making scheme they have. EVERY 4th year medical studnet in the country needs to spend this $1700. There are about 180 4th years in Einstein. That means these people are getting $306,000 from my class. This is obscene.

Sammy is still very cute. We got his crib - still waiting for his furniture (NEVER buy anything in Brooklyn) and he slept pretty well last night. He is holding his head up more every day and actually was looking at the toys hanging over his bouncy chair - pretty amazing. We have a doctor appointment on Tuesday. A month ago he weighed 8'14. I'm betting this month it is over 12.

Also.. i have been doing Day Yomi.. and finished Shabbas this past week! VERY EXCITING! i bought an Entamins cake, and had a little siyum with 3 of my friends here. Started Eruvin yesterday - not really so exciting yet, but we'll see. It's very long as well - so it has potential.

Looking forward to watching football tomorrow. I'm going to my friend's house who has Direct TV and is a Pats fan.. so I will get to watch Dillon and Brady tomorrow.

That seems to be it.



At 9:49 PM, Blogger Esther said...

You really need to start deleting the spam. I feel obligated to post comments, since I seem to be the only one that does. One does wonder why in this day and age so much paper is required. My old publisher needed 4 copies of every book submitted to production. If that wasn't a waste of paper, I don't know what is.


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