Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Well, orientation has begun. Actually, it is mostly finsihed. Spent the first two days of teh week listening to higher-ups in Montefiore drone on about things I either a) don't care about or b) already know. Pretty annoying and boring. Today was our CHAM orientation, which was cool as we got our syllabi, bot to meet the chiefs, got our beepers (got our ID's that say MD on it yesterday) and really just all got to meet each other - the other 22 people I will be slaving on with over the next 3 years. And let me tell you, I can't wait. Tomorrow we have our day long neonatal resuscitation program, which as i hear is supposed to be a very painful day.
Other exciting medical news - the abstract submitted by yours truly on analgesia and LPs ws accepted for presentation at the 2006 conference of the AAP - pretty damn exciting! All those months of research were not for nothing! Its a damn shame I will not be able to go since it is actually the first days of sukkot and I am on the floors. But, very exciting (and helpful for my future endeavors nonetheless).

Exciting Sammy news - he decided that today was going to be the day he got on his knees and crawled! Pretty amazing to watch, I must say. Not only because its my kid, but having just watched a baby take his first real crawling steps, it is interesting to watch him process what he needs to do, and he actually looked a little afraid. But it was amazing!!! Sammy kicks ass!!!

Watched game 6 of the NBA finals last night, congrats to Jon Wolf (sure, I'll introduce him now - a good friend of mine from MIT - in my pledge class at AEPi, from Florida (obviously) - lover of all sports and good music - now working for coremetrix in texas. Jon is one of the close friends I have maintained after MIT despite the fact that sometimes we go weeks without talking to each other (and otehr times we talk 2 times a week) I miss hanging with Jon, hopefullly he comes out here to NY soon) - there... introduced one college firend - only a ton left (and Einstein and now Monte - yikes!)). Anyways - bottom line is Dwayne Wade is amazing - clearly teh best al laround basketball player now - better than Kobe, LeBron or anyone else. The kid (yes, he is younger than me) is phenomenal. and fun to watch and seems like a good guy, which makes it easy for him to route for. As Elson told me last night - if I had to start an NBA team and pick a guy - it would be Dwayne. Anyways - the NBA draft is next week and my Knicks select - oh wait, we dont have the #2 pick - we traded it to Chicago. Way to go Isiah.

I think I suddenly developed a cold. Crap.

No new movies - but I did read Chain of Evidence by Ridley Pearson which was a pretty decent murder mystery with a healthy ammount of twists and turns. I enjoyed -2.5/4 stars for me. Now I will be starting on Clive Cussler's latest - Black Wind - which he co-wrote with his son... hope it is not lame.

I listened to Live's new album - Songs From Black Mountain - which was OK - i didnt love it, but I tend to like the Live albums better the more I listen to them. Best songs on the album was All I Need and Show, in my opinion - I give the album a 2.5/4. Also listened to Stadium Arcadium by the RHCP - which was a great album. 4 Amazing songs - Stadium Arcadium, Dani California, 21st Century and Snow, 2 great songs - Charlie and Make You Feel Better, a whole slew of very good songs and the rest were good. Highly recommended and I give it a 4/4! Go RHCP! Gotta love Anthony Keidis' voice.

Anyways - that is all for now- off to read and bed. Packing is a bitch.

oh yeah- saw Krevat today on his few days in NY after coming home from Israle before going back to Seattle via Denver - man he is all over the place.....

and - I finally figured out who the girl in the gatorade commercial with the athletes (Wade, Manning, Jeter) with the small bodies os - Jennie Finch from the USA Womens Softball team.

and oh yeah - go USA (and Italy)!!!


At 9:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Orientation...its cool if it is conducted by the right people, sometimes I juz wished that it would end sooner:)

At 8:30 AM, Blogger Esther said...

Ok, I can't believe you're really a doctor. Oh, and I may get to see Steven and Laurie for Shabbos since they'll be in the city.

At 9:04 PM, Blogger Danny said...

I certainly am a Doctor! Daniel Fein MD. oh yeah!


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