It's Been a While...
Yes, the title of a decent StainD song, but also the last time I actually posted. I'd love to say my negligence in pisting is due to a hectic work schedule - but that's not really it. Today we did finish our first month of residency (whoo-hoo) but since I was doing outpatient the entire month, it was not rediculously busy. So, the only excuse I can offer is that it feels like 110 outside, I have spent a good deal of my evenings unpacking and setting up and building stuff, and I've been lazy.
Tomorrow I continue with my specialty clinics, and I am on sick call - so beeper with me 24/7 ready to take some ill comrades place on the floors if duty shall call. Residency has been great so far, I love my fellow interns - i have spent a tremendous amount of time with Mike and Ginger, which is great since they are both amazingly friendly people. Mike is very much into sports (including fantasy sports) which means we neevr run out of things to discuss/debate. I love my continuity clinic, my preceptor, Dr. Stevens is awesome and I think he already trusts me a lot, and the other attending on Tuesday's when I go is Dr. Goldman who is quite awesome as well. I like the clinic more than I thought I would and I think it is in no small part due to these preceptors. That and it is neat/weird being a kid's PMD.

Anyways -we went to LIJ last shabbos to hang with some med school friends - the Hosch's, Boyarsky's, Tovah, Aliza, Josh and Akiva, Kenny as well, but unfortunatley he was sick and on call. It was a blast. Sammy and Jakey Hoschander had a great time together - too bad it was shabbso for we missed some amazing photo ops.
Our apartment is getting more together. I have built multiple shelves, a big ikea thing (with tons of help from Shosh), been unpacking, hanging pictures etc etc etc. But it is nice- we got new carpet, anew stove (finally) though today there was a bit of a leak in the apartment. But all is good.
Haven't heard much new music - but I do like the song Hate Me by Blue October. I downloaded the Panic! at the disco album but have yet to have a chance to listen to it. Just saw Field of Dreams - which was really an amazing amazing movie - great story and good acting. Kevin Costner and James Earl Jones --> I loved it. I am in the midst of War of the Worlds which is eh, ok.
Sports - our FFL auction is almost over, I'm pretty happy with my team and looking forward to the season. I think I have a good chance of repeating. Both my FBL teams are doing pretty well - in 2nd in both AL/NL right now. Mets are doing great, Yanks are hot and in 1st place and the Raiders play in the first pre-season game this Sunday night.
Of course, most of my concentration is focused on what is going on in Israel. I'm really going crazy about this as weare scheduled to go in 2 weeks from Sunday, and I am very torn. I suppose we shall see.
I will hopefully get back to more regular posts - next one Saturday night.
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