Saturday, August 12, 2006

The Week

Well, I guess I am not getting to here as frequently as I would like still - but I am here nonetheless. Last week was fine - more clinics - didnt get called in anymore and on my day off on Wednesday I went to go meet Korn in Foxwoods - came out EXACTLY even. First time that ever happened. It was great to see him - he shaved so he looks familiar again = )

I dont really know what else to write, and honestly dont feel quite like writing now. Today we went to our neighbors Melissa and Evan (Evan is a ortho intern at Monte, who as it ends up went to Lavi with Shosh) for lunch - which was really nice. We took Sammy to the park later on in the day, which was great - he loves it - and it so much fun to see him smile. I love him! He's the best (except when he bites - he's still the best, but the best with sharp teeth).

I am mainly preoccupied with my upcoming vacation -- i start my vacation this Wednesday and as of now, we are still scheduled to go to Israel next Sunday. Despite the cease fire which goes into effect Monday morning I really do not feel like going to Israel at this point. I just dont want to go. I don't think it is particularly safe now and I feel it is mildly irresponsible to bring Sammy to such a volatile region. But I still don't know what we are going to do since Shosh really wants to go and her entire family is going. After all that has just been going on now, I just dont want to go. And Bon Jovi's Blaze of GLory is playing now in the background - not the perfect song for while I am writing this.

I saw the fattest kid on Friday - i mean this was an almost 3 year old who was off the chart - and really, literally - on the growth curve, his weight would have been not only off the printed chart but off the freakin paper. Amazing.

allrighty - at least i ended this on some levity. Oh yeah - I really like the new Five For Fighting song - the riddle. Strongly recommend it! Havent seen any movies recently - watching Lost season 1 (best show on TV now) with Shosh and also House Season 2- got to catch up b4 the new seasons! Finales of Treasure Hunters and So You Think You Can Dance are on this week, so we have abusy week of TV watching ahead of us.

And oh yeah- Sammy turns one on Thursday. Unbelievable, eh?




At 5:51 AM, Blogger Esther said...

If you don't post again before you leave, have a safe flight and a safe trip. And I seriously can't believe Sammy is about to turn 1.


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