Monday, January 04, 2010

Resolution Kept! (at least for a day)

Well, I managed to make it 2 days in a row of updating this blog. Yay me. Can you believe it's 2010? I can't. I've gone almost 9 months with no more than 3 days off in a row - however, time continues to fly by. 2 new deadlines - our (and by our, i mean my co-chief residents (to protect identities, we will call them Hollie and Gigs) and myself) have arrived - grand rounds and an article due for Peds in Review. Of course, they are both due 2 weeks apart from each other. Oy vey. So much for spacing things out.

Anyone else notice it is cold? Really freaking cold? The hi for the week is supposed to be 36. So much for global warming, eh?

today was pretty uneventful - so, an amazing day. One little footnote - Zach has developed this annoying habit of not going to sleep when we want him to. Shosh puts him in his crib and he stands up and screams. Let him scream, you say? Sure, we tried that- until he screamed so much he started coughing which led to him vomiting all over himself and his crib. So he has figured out a way for us to indulge him and to get a little alone time with his mommy and daddy. Good for him.


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